Yesterday, I posted about how charities need to make the most direct connections possible between their supporters and the work they do. There just really isn’t any good excuse not to be doing this anymore because there are so many accessible, inexpensive tools at our disposal now. For a lesson in using social media to do connect people and causes, you couldn’t get a much better example than Mara Triangle, who have integrated content on Facebook, Flickr, and Vimeo, and are microblogging updates reguarly using Twitter. It’s just about as close as you can get to the Masai Mara, looking at the wildlife yourself, without actually being there in person (although, when you watch some of the video, you sometimes almost forget you’re still just sitting in front of your PC). I’m totally hooked. If you’ve spent five or ten minutes looking at what they do, and the amazing wildlife they’re so bravely protecting – against all the odds – I reckon there’s a good chance you’ll have already signed up to a regular gift. If you haven’t, take a look at their urgent appeal here and consider giving something. And, before you go, just think – if Mara Triangle can do this with the scant resources they have, what excuse is there really for your organisation not to be doing something similar?
Male Lions Fighting from Joseph Kimojino on Vimeo.
News, photos and footage appear in real time, and the team there engage one-to-one on a daily basis with donors and potential donors all over the world in a way I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.